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BREAKING: President Trump has fever and is fatigued…

BREAKING: President Trump has fever and is fatigued…

President Trump along with his wife the First Lady tested positive for Coronavirus yesterday evening. Now we are learning that President Trump has a fever and has been feeling fatigued…

9/11: We will Never Forget

9/11: We will Never Forget Today is a day that 19 years ago our lives were changed forever. A day where we lost 2,977 of our fellow brothers and sisters. It’s a day where you…

BREAKING: Catastrophic Situation could unfold in Monrovia, CA…

BREAKING: Catastrophic Situation could unfold in Monrovia, CA…

The Bobcat fire is currently 0% contained and with Santa Ana Winds beginning later this morning and into tomorrow there are fears the winds will blow the fire down hill…

BREAKING: President Trump holds rare Labor Day press…

BREAKING: President Trump holds rare Labor Day press…

BREAKING: Bobcat fire burns almost 5,000 acres with…

BREAKING: Bobcat fire burns almost 5,000 acres with…

The skies this morning in Los Angeles are smokey from the Bobcat fire burning just north of Azusa and Pasadena. Current Information: Acres burned: 4,871 Containment: 0% Credit: CalTransit